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Essential Things to Know About The Co-Op Work Permit

Essential Things to Know About The Co-Op Work Permit. there are various things to know about the co-op work permit which are below.,

The Co-op Work Permit

The co-op work permit is that work permit which allows international students to work when the work is integral to the program of study. That is to say that it you must complete the work otherwise you wont be able to graduate. It can only be used for work that is part of your official academic program. If your internship is required by an external funding organization, you cannot use the co-op work permit. It allows the students to work on a full-time basis. You can as well work off campus with the co-op work permit if you meet the criteria. The co-op work permit is issued with the same duration as your study permit.

Students should note that they must be eligible for the work permit before they apply. If they are not sure of their eligibility, they should consult the academic adviser or international student adviser.

Reasons Why you Need The Co-Op work permit

You need the co-op work permit because it allows you to work for any co-op work term authorized by your program of study and it allows you do the job approved by your co-op program.

When the Co-Op Work Permit is Needed

The co-op work permit is needed when you have successfully received the letter from your program of study showing that you will do the job required for your program of study for example your acknowledgement letter showing the required internship from your graduate program.

You will need to undergo a medical exam if you will be working under health sciences or agriculture dealing with patients, children etc to ascertain that you meet the right conditions of your study permit to work with such people or in such fields. The medical exam will be conducted by the IRCC approved panel physician and you must submit the medical exam report with your co-op application.

How To Apply

There are various ways to apply.,

Apply Online

You can do this by having access to a scanner so as to be able to upload your documents and you must have a valid credit card for payment.

Apply On Paper

you can apply on paper by

  • Get the application package
  • Complete application and attach the required documents
  • Submit application

Also see distinction between the S-1 and SW-1 Visa