
Determining Eligibility for Self Employed Person In Canada

The Self-Employed Persons Program is focused at people who want to become self-employed in Canada.

They must have a relevant experience in farming, athletics or cultural activities, and intend to make a significant contribution to the economy of Canada.

To qualify as a self-employed person in Canada, you must:

  • Must possess relevant experience and intend to be self-employed in Canada,
  • Meet the eligibility criteria for self-employed people, and
  • Meet security, medical, and other requirement

Relevant Experience

As a self-employed person, your experience is found to be relevant if you have:

  • Taken part in athletics or cultural activities at a world-class level,
  • Been self-employed in athletics or cultural activities, or
  • Experience managing a farm

There are many various requirements to find someone to have relevant experience, but usually, a self-employed person needs a minimum of two years of experience in one of the three classifications listed above.

Selection Criteria

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will evaluate you on selection criteria, which include these five factors:

  • Age,
  • Education,
  • Experience,
  • Adaptability, and
  • Language abilities

To be eligible as self-employed persons, you have to meet the condition of a self-employed person. These five selection criteria are assessed using a point system and you need to acquire at least 35 points out of 100 if you wish to migrate to Canada as a business immigrant. The cut-off mark of 35 is always subject to change, depending on the laws set by CIC.

When being assessed to determine your eligibility under the above selection criteria, you may be asked to do an interview. An immigration or visa officer will conduct the interview and they may ask you to expatiate on any information that they find to be inconsistent or unclear with the documents that you had provided.

If there is a difference or discrepancy between the assessment of your qualifications made by you and the visa officer’s assessment, the officer assessment of your eligibility will stand.

Medical, Security and Other Conditions

Another factor when determining the eligibility for Self Employed Person is the medical, security and other conditions that the CIC have put in place as criteria.

This condition will require you and your family members to take a medical test as well as get a police certificate for the application.